At Akers Digital, our passion for the outdoors goes beyond our professional focus on outdoor brands. We are thrilled to announce that we are now certified members of 1% For The Planet. This certification signifies our dedication to giving back to the environment and supporting sustainable practices.

What is 1% For The Planet?

1% For The Planet is a global organization that encourages businesses to donate at least 1% of their annual sales to environmental causes. Founded by Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia and Craig Mathews of Blue Ribbon Flies, the organization ensures that every donation is certified, promoting genuine commitment to environmental responsibility and preventing greenwashing.Our ContributionsTo date, Akers Digital has donated $9,645 to various impactful organizations, including:

  • NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School): Educating people about leadership, environmental ethics, and wilderness skills.
  • Bicycle Collective: Promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation.
  • Bike Utah: Advocating for cycling-friendly policies and infrastructure in Utah.
  • Planet Impact Fund: Investing in projects that have a significant positive impact on the planet and its people.

Why We Joined 1% For The Planet

As a company deeply embedded in the outdoor industry, we recognize the importance of preserving the natural world. Our clients, from eco-conscious brands to adventurous outdoor enthusiasts, share our values and commitment to sustainability. By joining 1% For The Planet, we aim to:
  • Inspire Commitment and Action: Encouraging our clients and partners to join us in supporting environmental causes.
  • Accelerate Environmental Giving: Ensuring that our donations make a substantial impact.
  • Promote Accountability: Upholding our promise to give back for the use of our planet’s resources.

Tying Our Values to 1% For The Planet

Our decision to join 1% For The Planet aligns seamlessly with our core values at Akers Digital:
  • Build Community: By supporting outdoor nonprofits and encouraging diverse backgrounds to engage with nature, we are strengthening brands and fostering a more inclusive outdoor community.
  • Practice Continual Improvement: Our commitment to 1% For The Planet is part of our ongoing effort to make incremental improvements that lead to significant positive changes for the environment.
  • Be Transparent: We share our environmental commitments and contributions openly with our clients, ensuring they know how their partnerships with us are making a difference.
  • Be Humble: We are continuously learning and evolving in our approach to sustainability, always seeking better ways to support the planet and listen to our clients' insights.
  • Experience Joy: Working with brands that promote outdoor fun and well-being is our passion, and we aim to reflect that joy in our environmental efforts.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite our clients and the broader outdoor community to learn more about 1% For The Planet and consider how they can contribute to environmental sustainability. Together, we can make a significant difference in preserving the natural world for future generations.

To learn more about 1% For The Planet, visit

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